Farm News
Our work has continued to source new genetics to diversify and strengthen both our Gotland and Leicester Longwool flocks.
Through a partnership with Appletree Farms, Eugene, OR, several years of work brought our first shipment of Danish Gotland genetics here to the US. Lykkegaardens Rocky and Funda Ringo’s semen was utilized in early November 2024 in our LAI breeding program. Both rams had high scores in the Elitlamm system and are both ARR, ARR Scrapie Resistant.
During the summer of 2024, Leicester Longwool ram semen was sourced from rams collected here in the US from lines of the early imports from Australia. While not the original rams, they are the early progeny of these treasured sires, and it seemed timely to bring them back. They were included in our November 2024 LAI breeding program with our Leicester Longwool ewes.
The anticipation builds as we wait for these lambs to arrive in April 2025.