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Origins Of The Gotland Breed:
The breed was first established on the Swedish island of Gotland by
the Vikings with Karakul and Romanov sheep brought back from
expeditions deep into Russia and crossed with the native landrace
sheep. The Vikings were great seafarers as well as sheep farmers and
took these animals on their extensive voyages to provide meat and
skins along the route. Hence the spread of these Northern short-tailed
sheep and the development into related breeds such as Gute sheep,
Icelandic, Finnsheep, Shetland, North Ronaldsay and Manx. Primitive
horned Gotland sheep (still called Gute) still exist on the island of
Gotland today. The Gotland Peltsheep (pälsfår) or modern Gotland has
been developed in Sweden since the 1920's through controlled breeding
and intensive selection, producing a true multipurpose long wool
sheep, yielding good flavored close-grained meat, furskins and soft,
silky, lustrous fleece.
Gotland Fleece:
Fleece is fine, long, lustrous and dense with clearly defined curl and
staple, soft to the touch. It is typically 29 to 34 microns in
diameter at 18 months of age, as measured midside at the last rib.
Lambs wool is typically in the low to mid 20's micron range.
Origins of The Leicester Longwool Breed:
The Leicester Longwool breed is also known as the English Leicester
(pronounced lester). The breed was developed in England in the mid
1700s by innovative breeder Robert Bakewell, the first to use modern
selection techniques to improve livestock breeds. Bakewell transformed
a coarse, large boned, slow growing animal into one that grew rapidly
for market and produced a higher quality fleece.
News of Bakewell’s ideas reached the colonies before the American
Revolution and so intrigued George Washington that he made reference
to them in several letters. Washington was particularly interested in
Bakewell’s sheep, writing that he made the “choice of good rams from
the English Leicester breed” for his own flock. In 1837, the
agriculturist Youatt wrote that, “within little more than half a
century the New Leicester had spread themselves to every part of the
United Kingdom and to Europe and America.”
The Leicester Longwool was highly prized in America, especially for
its use in crossbreeding to improve “native” stock. During the 1800s,
however, the breed lost favor to the Merino and other fine wool
breeds. After 1900, the Leicester Longwool fell into decline and was
likely extinct in the United States during the 1930s or 1940s. A very
small population remained in Canada. In 1990, Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation, a historic site in Virginia, reestablished the breed in
North America by importing sheep from Australia. Several conservation
flocks have now been established, and the population of Leicester
Longwool sheep in North America is increasing. This is important,
given that the breed remains rare globally.
Leicester Longwool Fleece:
The fleece is dense and grade and style are uniform over the entire
animal. The wool is ideally silky and lustrous with a soft handle.
Locks should hang individually, have medium crimp or wave and have no
tendency for crossfibering. The wool should have a well defined crimp
or wave over the entire lock, and should be a uniform texture from the
skin to the tip. High luster is typical of the breed. Wool is clean
and white with little tendency for yellowing. Colored spots in white
fleeces are objectionable. The wool growth for one year varies from 5
to 14 inches, fleece weights for ewes vary from 6 to 14 pounds, for
rams 9 to 20 pounds. The fiber diameter is usually 32 to 38 microns,
with a Bradford count of 40s to 46s.